Temer responds to Zeca: ‘I was very honored by the interview’

Judge acquitted Temer and other MDB leaders
Upon learning of the interview with state deputy Zeca of the PT extolling his government’s role in the issue of the Bioceânica Route, President Michel Temer (MDB) hastened to thank the former governor:

“Dear Marun, I would like to convey my tribute to Zeca. It’s people like that that Brazil needs: who tell the truth. I was very honored by the interview”.

And he added:

“It’s a work that ends up practically connecting the Atlantic to the Pacific. Marito, President of Paraguay, and I signed the construction of the two bridges (one already completed) at the end of my government. Both paid by Itaipu. Marun helped a lot in this victorious interlocution”.

The former governor had already thanked former president Temer in a telephone call that took place earlier this year. Former minister Marun was participating in a fishing trip at the Hotel-Pesqueiro de Zeca in Porto Murtinho when the idea came up. The conversation was extremely fraternal.

Zeca, wants to make the Bioceânica Route one of the main focuses of his term as state deputy.

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